Four Legs Law
Suite 1B, Joseph's Well, Hanover Walk Leeds LS3 1AB
Tel: 0113 244 0597

Four Legs Law

Defending a dog bite claim

Defending a dog bite claim

Defending a dog bite claim. If you receive a Letter of Claim from a Claimant or their firm of solicitors, seeking compensation from you in relation to injuries caused or alleged to be caused by your dog, we recommend you seek legal advice from a solicitor with the experience and expertise to deal with the complex issues in defending a dog bite claim.


Were you actually at fault for the injuries and losses the Claimant claims to have sustained as a result of the incident?

Compensation claims for an injury caused by an animal are not straightforward. As a rule, for their claim to succeed, a Claimant would need to show that you, or the party with control of your dog at the time of the attack, had been negligent or that you are liable under the Animals Act 1971. The Animals Act 1971 is a complex piece of legislation, and it is important to seek legal advice from specialists in this area of law.


The injured party will likely provide medical evidence which supports their injuries, as well as evidence in support of any financial losses or expenses that they may have incurred as a result of the incident.

How we can help with defending a dog bite claim

We strongly recommend that every dog owner has insurance with public liability cover to meet and pay for any potential claim which may be brought against them. This cover is most commonly provided with pet insurance or home insurance. Not having insurance does not mean that you cannot be sued; the injured party can bring a claim against you as an individual and seek the recovery of damages from you direct (usually from your personal savings or against any assets). In some cases, the combined figure in respect of damages and legal costs can be substantial and the impact of a judgment against you could be life-changing.

If you do not have insurance,  we can agree on a fixed fee or hourly rate with you to advise you on the claim. We will advise you on the prospects of success of the Claimant’s claim and the best course of action to hopefully resolve the matter in a timely and cost-effective manner.

If you have received a Letter of Claim relating to an injury caused/alleged to have been caused by your dog, do not simply ignore it and hope it goes away, as this could be very risky.

Contact Four Legs Law to see how we can help.

Get the expert advice you need defending a dog bite claim

To see how we can help get in touch with us today:

However, please be aware that dealing with a civil claim does not limit any criminal charges which may be brought against you in relation to the same incident.